Scientific Program - Pre-Conference Workshops: Friday, January 4, 2013

Growth Modulations: The New Horizon of Deformity Correction

Time Topic Faculty
9.00 Overview of the Workshop
9.10 Normal alignment P N Gupta
9.20 Assessment of deformity: Clinical aspect Cherrian Kovoor
9.35 Assessment of deformity: Imaging aspect Fergal Monsell
9.50 Various options for deformity correction Peter Stevens
10.00 BOE: What to select? GM or osteotomy P N Gupta
10.15 Determining skeletal age Sandeep Vaidya
10.35 How much growth is remaining? Dhiren Ganjwala
10.50 Timing related issues for growth modulation Fergal Monsell
11.05 Coffee break
11.35 BOE: What is the skeletal age of a child?
BOE: Can angular deformity be fully corrected?
BOE: How much time GM will take for correction?
Sakti Das
Mandar Aghase
Vivek Dutt
12.35 Questions Questions
12.50 Growth Modulation - history Peter Stevens
1.00 Technique of GM with staples & screws Alvin H Crawford
1.10 Technique of 8 plates Peter Stevens
1.25 Opinion poll: Which option audience prefer?
1.30 Use of GM in different condition & different sites Peter Stevens
1.50 Lunch
2.35 GM - Limitation, pitfalls and complications Jay Sampath
2.55 GM - Controversy and recent advances Peter Stevens
3.10 Role of growth modulation in spinal deformities Alvin H Crawford
3.30 Cubitus varus correction Vrisha Madhuri
3.45 Acute correction: when and how Siddesh Nandi
4.00 Physeal bar resection: when and how Fergal Monsell
4.15 Dilemma in LLD Peter Stevens
4.30 BOE: Timing of contralateral epiphysiodesis Sanjay Arora
4.45 BOE: Decision making about physeal bar Chirag Bhalvani
4.55 Open house
5.30 Conclusion of workshop

Paediatric Fracture Course

Time Topic Faculty
SESSION 1: Fresh Fractures
9.00 Both bones forearm Atul Bhaskar
9.08 Montaggia lesions Eva Ponten
9.16 Supracondylar humerus Shah Alam Khan
9.24 Lateral condyle Venkatadoss
9.32 Distal radius Kirti Ramnani
9.40 Neck femur Viraj Shingade
9.48 Ankle fractures Sanjay Sarup
9.56 Shaft femur Amardeep Singh
10.15 Tea
SESSION 2: Technology session
10.30 Understanding the nails - principles and concepts Vijay Sriram
10.45 Technique with bone model demo (Femur) Taral Nagda
11.00 Hands on workshop on bone models in groups All faculty
11.45 Problems and complications in TENS John Mukhopadhaya
12.05 TENS for complex situations Sandeep Patwardhan
12.15 TENS in upper limb fractures Manoj Padman
12.30 Lunch
SESSION 3: Delayed presentations
1.15 Fractures around the elbow Taral Nagda
1.45 Both bones forearm Premal Naik
2.00 Montaggia lesions Peter waters
2.15 Distal radius Peter waters
2.30 Neck femur Shah Alam Khan
2.50 Pathologic fractures (OI, Cyst, SCFE) Vijay Sriram
SESSION 4: Physeal injuries
3.15 Fresh injuries - Diagnosis & effective management John Mukhopadhaya
3.30 Understanding the physeal Bar Taral Nagda
3.45 Treatment options (case based) Sandeep Patwardhan
4.15 Tea
SESSION 5: How I do it ?? video techniques
4.30 Closed reduction both bones forearm Manoj Padman
4.36 Closed reduction & pinning SC humerus Eva Ponten
4.46 Open reduction type 3 fracture lateral condyle humerus Premal Naik
4.54 Arthrography of elbow for diagnosis and management Sandeep Patwardhan
5.02 Closed reduction & pinning neck femur / SCFE Kamlesh Devmurari
5.10 Open reduction for type 3 Supracondylar humerus fracture John Mukhopadhaya
5.20 Telescopic nailing for Osteogenesis imperfecta Taral Nagda

Day to Day Paediatric Orthopaedics

Time Topic Faculty
Session 1: Physiologic Vs. Pathologic variants
9.00 In-toeing in children Maulin Shah
9.13 Bow legs & knock knees in children K Sriram
9.25 Toe walking James Robb
9.37 Flat feet in children Benjamin Joseph
9.49 Interactive secession
Session 2: Common conditions - 1
10.06 Approach to the child with limp Benjamin Joseph
10.18 Transient synovitis of hip Alaric Aroojis
10.30 Management of DDH from birth to walking age Ashok Johari
10.42 LCPD : diagnosis & decision making Hitesh Shah
10.54 Interactive session
11.15 Coffee break
Session 3: Common conditions - 2
11.31 Evaluation of a child with cerebral palsy James Robb
11.43 Role of Botulinum toxin in spasticity management James Robb
11.55 Acute osteomyelitis & septic arthritis K Sriram
12.07 Chronic osteomyelitis & sequel of septic hip Ashok Johari
12.19 Management of SCFE Alaric Aroojis
12.31 Benign bone lesions: diagnosis & management Jyotindra Pandit
12.43 Evaluation of a child with LLD Fergal Monsell
12.55 Approach to management of a child with LLD Fergal Monsell
1.07 Interactive session
1.45 Lunch break
Session 4: Pediatric trauma
2.31 Pulled elbow Kapil Gangwal
2.43 Supracondylar humeral fractures N Ramani
2.55 Cubitus varus correction Kapil Gangwal
3.07 Forearm fractures Shital Parikh
3.19 Shaft femur fixation with TENs Viral Jain
3.31 Remodelling potential of peadiatric long bones N Ramani
3.43 Tips, tricks and complications in pediatric trauma
Session 5: Common conditions - 3
4.15 Current approach to club foot in infancy Maulin Shah
4.30 Approach to a child with knee swelling Shital Parikh
4.45 Approach to a child with backache Viral jain
5.00 Approach to a child with deformity of spine Viral jain
5.15 Conclusion remarks

Post Graduate Lecture Course

Time Topic Faculty
Clinical examination session
9.00 Tips of examination of paediatric patient Viraj Shingade
9.00 Tips of examination of paediatric patient Viraj Shingade
9.20 Evaluation of child with painless limp Gopinath Menon
9.40 Evaluation of child with painful limp Alvin Crawford
10.00 Question and answers  
  Paediatric upper limb session  
10.15 OBPP - Managing child presenting late Peter Waters
10.35 Managing radial club hand Rujuta Mehta
10.55 Cubitus varus correction Vrisha Madhuri
11.15 Questions and answers  
11.30 TEA  
  Paediatric lower limb session  
11.45 Decision making in Perthes' disease Benjamin Joseph
12.05 Managing child with DDH before walking age Fergal Monsell
12.25 Managing sequele of Septic arthritis of hip Mathew Verghese
12.45 Questions and answers  
  Cerebral palsy  
1.00 Evaluation of child with CP James Robb
1.15 Role of Botulinum toxin in CP Eva Ponten
1.30 Role of surgery in  CP Ashok Johari
1.45 LUNCH  
  Lower limb trauma  
2.30 Fracture shaft femur Ashok Vaishnavi
2.50 Fracture neck femur in children Premal Naik
3.10 Ankle fractures in children Sanjay Sarup
3.30 Questions and answers  
  Upper limb trauma  
3.45 Both bone forearm fractures Shital Parikh
4.00 Managing displaced supracondylar fracture M M Prabhakar
4.15 Lateral condyle fracture humerus Peter Waters
4.30 Management of distal radius fracture Pankaj Patel

Scientific Program - Advanced Workshops: January 6th & 7th, 2013 (Sunday & Monday)

Advanced Workshop: Paediatric Upper Limb Problems

Time Topic Faculty
2.30 Introduction
Symposium on Upper Limb Arthrogryposis
Moderator: Benjamin Joseph
2.40 Burden of upper limb Arthrogryposis (Indian perspective) Benjamin Joseph
2.50 Pathophysiology and  evaluation of child with AMC Eva Ponten
3.05 Shoulder problems in AMC Eva Ponten
3.20 Elbow and wrist  problems (Role of wrist stabilization) Peter Waters
3.35 When to leave them alone Peter Waters
3.45 Case presentation 2 cases anirbaan, 2 cases chasanal All Panelists
4.05 Q & A  
4.10 Moderator  summary and special comments  
4.15 TEA BREAK  
  Symposium on Radial Hemimelia
Moderator: Vrisha Madhuri
4.30 Early Management Peter Waters
4.40 Role and result of Pollicisation Rujuta Mehta
4.45 Edited Video of centralisation Rujuta Mehta
4.55 Complications & Solutions Vrisha Madhuri
  Panel Discussion: Complex Paediatric Trauma
Moderator: Alaric Aroojis
5.00 Intercondylar fracture of Distal humerus  
5.10 Flexion type supracondylar fracture  
5.20 Radial Neck fracture - role of operative intervention  
5.30 Medial epicondyle fractures Surgery or masterly neglect  
5.40 Floating elbow injuries  
5.50 Neglected lateral condyle - fix or leave him alone  
6.10 Physeal Injuries & Complications (distal radius/ulna)  
6.20 Questions  

Advanced Workshop: Paediatric Upper Limb Problems

Time Topic Faculty
Symposium on Cerebral Palsy
Moderator: Dr. A N Johari
9.00 Assessment and Scales   Eva Ponten
9.15 Intervention - When? How? Role of Botulinum toxin A N Johari
9.30 Decision making and common transfers Peter Waters
9.45 Management of thumb in palm Peter Waters
9.55 Managing triad of shoulder, elbow and forearm B D Athani
10.05 Future of tendon transfer in CP (outcome analysis) Eva Ponten
10.15 Technique Videos  
11.00 TEA BREAK  
  Symposium on Obstretical Brachial Plexus Palsy
Moderator : Dr. Rujuta Mehta
11.15 What a pedipod needs to know about the shoulder surgery in OBPP Peter Waters
11.40 Tackling residual problems of elbow and forearm rotations Peter Waters
12.05 Principles for tendon transfers in the flail hand Ashok Johari
12.30 Live demonstration of cadaveric dissection  
2.30 Lunch