Scientific Program: Post Conference Workshop - Day 3 - Monday, 7th January, 2013

Time Topic Faculty
Symposium on Cerebral Palsy
Moderator: Dr. A N Johari
9.00 Assessment and Scales   Eva Ponten
9.15 Intervention - When? How? Role of Botulinum toxin A N Johari
9.30 Decision making and common transfers Peter Waters
9.45 Management of thumb in palm Peter Waters
9.55 Managing triad of shoulder, elbow and forearm B D Athani
10.05 Future of tendon transfer in CP (outcome analysis) Eva Ponten
10.15 Technique Videos  
11.00 TEA BREAK  
  Symposium on Obstretical Brachial Plexus Palsy
Moderator : Dr. Rujuta Mehta
11.15 What a pedipod needs to know about the shoulder surgery in OBPP Peter Waters
11.40 Tackling residual problems of elbow and forearm rotations Peter Waters
12.05 Principles for tendon transfers in the flail hand Ashok Johari
12.30 Live demonstration of cadaveric dissection  
2.30 Lunch