Abstract Submission is closed!!!

The presentation types are as follows:
  • Free papers: are of 5 minutes duration + 2 minutes discussion. Please submit structured abstract (Introduction & Aims of Study, Methods, Results, Conclusion of Study) of < 500 words.
  • Poster presentation: Submit an unstructured abstract of < 250 words.
  • Short oral presentations: are for innovative techniques / new ideas and will be of 3 minutes duration. Submit an unstructured abstract of < 250 words.
  • Video techniques: Submit an unstructured abstract of < 250 words.
  • Case presentations: Your chance to be a POSICON 2019 faculty; the selected cases will be part of ICLs and case discussion sessions at POSICON 2019.


  • Congenital (Including Clubfoot / DDH / Limb Deficiencies)
  • Trauma (Upper Limb & Lower Limb)
  • Infection (Acute / Chronic / Sequelae / TB)
  • Developmental (Including Perthes / Coxa Vara / Genu Varum & Valgum)
  • Metabolic / Syndromic / Skeletal dysplasias / Osteogensis imperfecta etc.
  • Spine
  • Neuromuscular (Cerebral Palsy / Myelomeningocoele / Muscular Dystrophies / Polio etc)
  • Limb reconstruction (Upper Limb / Lower Limb)
  • Sports
  • Tumors (Benign & Malignant)
  • Basic Research
  • Miscellaneous (Innovative Techniques / New Ideas)


From among the highest ranked papers, the frst 10 papers fulflling ALL of the following criteria will be selected for this session.

Eligibility criteria for POSI Best Paper Session

  1. The presenting author should be a POSI Member or should have applied for POSI membership at the time of abstract submission.
  2. The study should be largely his / her work.
  3. The work should have been done in India.


  1. Only ONLINE submission though website, www.posi.in will be accepted.
  2. Only registered delegates can submit an abstract.
  3. Please select the subject category (you may select more than one category, if applicable).
  4. A delegate can submit more than one abstract, but only one can be presented per delegate. If more than one abstract gets accepted, the presenting author may nominate a co-author to present the paper. The coauthor has to be registered for the conference. The co-author has to have been included at the time of abstract submission. No co-authors can be added later.
  5. Supporting material in the form of tables, graphs and photos may be submitted (Upto a maximum of 5 only with maximum file size of 5 MB for all attachments).
  6. Do not mention name of Author(s) or Institution in the Title, Body of the abstract or in the images, tables and graphs. Mentioning the same will automatically disqualify the submission.

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