• Only online submission though website will be accepted.
  • Only registered delegates can submit an abstract.
  • Please select the subject category (you may select more than one category, if applicable).
  • A delegate can submit more than one abstract, but only one can be presented per delegate. If more than one abstract gets accepted, the presenting author may nominate a co-author to present the paper. The co-author has to be registered for the conference. The co-author has to have been included at the time of abstract submission. No co-authors can be added later.
  • Supporting material in the form of tables, graphs and photos may be submitted (upto a maximum of 5 only. Maximum file size should be 5 MB for each attachment).
  • Do not mention name of Author(s) or Institution in the Title, Body of the abstract or in the images, tables and graphs. Mentioning the same will automatically disqualify the submission.
  • Free papers are of 5 minutes duration + 2 minutes discussion. Please submit structured abstract (Introduction & Aims of Study, Methods, Results, Conclusion of Study) of <500 words.
  • Best Paper presentation is of 8 minutes duration + 2 mins discussion.
  • Short oral presentations are for innovative techniques / new ideas and will be of 3 minutes duration. Submit an unstructured abstract of <250 words.
  • Video techniques. Submit an unstructured abstract of <250 words.
  • Poster presentation. Submit an unstructured abstract of <250 words.
  • Case reports will only be accepted for poster presentation.


  • Congenital (including clubfoot / DDH / limb deficiences / skeletal dysplasias / Osteogenesis imperfecta etc)
  • Trauma (upper limb & lower limb)
  • Infection (acute / chronic / sequelae / TB)
  • Developmental (including Perthes / coxa vara /
  • Metabolic (Rickets)
  • Spine
  • Neuromuscular (cerebral palsy / myelomengocoele / muscular dystrophies / polio etc)
  • Limb reconstruction (upper limb / lower limb)
  • Sports
  • Tumours (benign & malignant)
  • Basic Research
  • Miscellaneous (Innovative techniques / new ideas / research)

Eligibility criteria for POSI Best Paper Session

  • From among the highest ranked papers, the first 10 papers fulfilling ALL of the folowing criteria will be selected for this session.
  • The presenting author should be a POSI Member or should have applied for POSI membership at the time of abstract submission.
  • The study should be largely his / her work.
  • The work should have been done in India.