Scientific Program: Preconference Workshops - Friday, 4th January, 2013

Growth Modulation & Deformity Correction
Time Topic Faculty
9.00 Overview of the Workshop
9.10 Normal alignment P N Gupta
9.20 Assessment of deformity: Clinical aspect Cherrian Kovoor
9.35 Assessment of deformity: Imaging aspect Fergal Monsell
9.50 Various options for deformity correction Peter Stevens
10.00 BOE: What to select? GM or osteotomy P N Gupta
10.15 Determining skeletal age Sandeep Vaidya
10.35 How much growth is remaining? Dhiren Ganjwala
10.50 Timing related issues for growth modulation Fergal Monsell
11.05 Coffee break
11.35 BOE: What is the skeletal age of a child?
BOE: Can angular deformity be fully corrected?
BOE: How much time GM will take for correction?
Sakti Das
Mandar Aghase
Vivek Dutt
12.35 Questions Questions
12.50 Growth Modulation - history Peter Stevens
1.00 Technique of GM with staples & screws Alvin H Crawford
1.10 Technique of 8 plates Peter Stevens
1.25 Opinion poll: Which option audience prefer?
1.30 Use of GM in different condition & different sites Peter Stevens
1.50 Lunch
2.35 GM - Limitation, pitfalls and complications Jay Sampath
2.55 GM - Controversy and recent advances Peter Stevens
3.10 Role of growth modulation in spinal deformities Alvin H Crawford
3.30 Cubitus varus correction Vrisha Madhuri
3.45 Acute correction: when and how Siddesh Nandi
4.00 Physeal bar resection: when and how Fergal Monsell
4.15 Dilemma in LLD Peter Stevens
4.30 BOE: Timing of contralateral epiphysiodesis Sanjay Arora
4.45 BOE: Decision making about physeal bar Chirag Bhalvani
4.55 Open house
5.30 Conclusion of workshop