
Dr. Leo Donnan

Dr. Mihir Thacker

Dr. Manish Agarwal

Dr. Shah Alam Khan

  1. To carefully and considerately workup potentially malignant bone lesions
  2. To understand the importance of biological reconstruction in children after tumour resection
  3. Understand the implications of osteochondromas
Target Audience

This ICL is directed to the generalist paediatric orthopaedic surgeon who wants to refresh their knowledge of management of malignant bone tumours and the most common bony lesion - the osteochondroma

Hall Time Topic Watch Video
HALL B (APPOS HALL) 10:00 - 10:15 Workup and Management of pathologic fractures : Dr. Manish Agarwal
HALL B (APPOS HALL) 10:15 - 10:30 What not to do in paediatric bone tumors : Dr. Shah Alam Khan
HALL B (APPOS HALL) 10:30 - 10:45 Biological reconstruction in children after tumour resection : Dr. Leo Donnan
HALL B (APPOS HALL) 10:45 - 11:00 Multiple hereditary osteochondromatosis - Current and controversial : Dr. Mihir Thacker
HALL B (APPOS HALL) 11:00 - 11:30 Case-based presentations : Dr. Mihir Thacker, Dr. Leo Donnan, Dr. Manish Agarwal, Dr. Shah Alam Khan

Team POSICON 2019 thanks Dr. Ashok Shyam / Orthotv for Video editing and uploading.